Hump Day Happenings – Blind-Sided and Blessings

Handling the hump day happenings a day late. At the beginning of my English courses, I provide every student with two Life Happens coupons. These are coupons that allow them to extend a deadline on a major assignment until the next class after the due date. My rationale is that I do not want to field excuses or count how many grandparents each student has, or discuss the mischievous nature of their dog and its eating habits. Also, I am fully aware that my course is not the be-all, end-all of their existence. Therefore, when their life happens, they have an out. Yesterday, my life happened.

Personal Happenings

Nothing dire, so do not worry. I worked out early. Three-miles in the August heat, so my energy levels were already waning. Joined Eileen for a ride to Murrell’s Inlet to get bloodwork done, and we stopped at the Millstone Baking Company for lunch. We went to the transfer station, got gas, got the mail. All part of the semi-retired person’s day. No, I do not have a gripping fascination with the weather, but as per usual, it did rain around 6, and it rained hard.

This was all a precursor to our weekly trek to Quigley’s Pint and Pour to play trivia hosted by our fast friend Laura. Eileen had an appointment before our shenanigans, so she dropped me off at Front Street where I consumed two mixed drinks.

All of this leads to a second-place finish at trivia (our fourth attempt) and six more mixed drinks. I had one more chance to write at about 11, but I was too tired. Maker’s had left its mark. I had given the day all I had. Life Happened.

Other Highlights

School is back in session in SC, and my colleagues in CT are already setting up their rooms. The annual convocation is this coming Monday, and the students in Glastonbury arrive, in earnest, on Wednesday, 8/23. Yes, you read that correctly.
No more long summers, although the Class of 2024 graduates the day after Memorial Day. Wishing everyone a wonderful year, but glad I do not have to sit through the new technology advances and the presentation on Blood Borne Pathogens.

Eileen got a job (two actually) and I got a haircut.

Just warming up folks. Tip your servers. Try the grouper.

Headline Happenings

Blind -Sided

I found this story fascinating. Michael Oher, the NFL lineman whose “adoption” and story were the basis of the movie The Blind Side has sued his parents, Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy for 15 million dollars claiming they sold his story and never gave him any of the profits from the rights. He also claims that he was never adopted and was placed in a conservatorship, so the Tuohy’s could control his earnings. The family has lawyered up, and has clapped back that all of their dealings with Oher were in his best interest and above board, and they never kept any money from him.

I am a bit saddened that this is coming out now; the film came out in 2009. I do not have a dog in this fight, but I have heard rumblings from Oher since the movie’s debut that the story was not factual, and that, “they exploited him”(Cineas Vox).

The Tuohy’s have stated that they will end the conservatorship immediately, and even Sandra Bullock has expressed regret and disappointment about the latest developments (Ross, Bay Area News Group).

I have only seen bits and pieces of the film, but I know Bullock won an Oscar for her portrayal of Leigh Anne Tuohy, so I will have to watch it soon.

Maui Wildfires

I cannot be flip about this ongoing catastrophe. What I will say is that I have taught hundreds of stories where nature exerts its dominance in response to our indifference or hubris. Global warming is real and the oppressive heat and glut of environmentally fueled disasters is unsettling.

I have also taught hundreds of stories about human resilience and potential, and the stories of courage, community and sacrifice that have found their way through the smoke, and daily damage reports, gives me hope that we may be waking up to an era of responsibility towards each other, our world, and future generations.

Football Fall-Out

Not American Football, although it is interesting that Dalvin Cook and Ezekiel Elliott will be toting the rock in the highly competitive AFC East.

Just some quick notes on the FIFA Women’s World Cup.

Spain and England in the final. I will be rooting for Spain although Lucy Bronze from England has a really cool name.

Vlatko Andonovski resigned a head coach of The USWNT. They are in search of a new coach. Hopefully, the “fitting” candidate will emerge.

Fleeing to North Korea?

Another story that fascinated me this week. According to U.S. officials, Army Pvt. Travis King, “willfully and without authorization,” crossed into North Korea (Lendon, CNN). After reading some details, it seems Pvt. King was seeking refuge from potential disciplinary action from the Army. My question is why North Korea? They have a lingering hatred for the United States and a leader who is predictably unpredictable in his use of power and a constant threat to national and world peace. The North Korean government is spinning the narrative that King was “disillusioned (Associated Press), but regardless of his reasoning, King has now become a pawn in a unsettling game of political chess.


The Whole Kitten Kaboodle

During the last two weeks, I said I would offer some good news. Besides my aforementioned haircut and Team Trivia silver, the Meriden, CT, police apprehended suspects in several armed robberies, and while searching for evidence in the stolen car that the suspects had abandoned after a crash, the officers found a kitten hiding under the seat. They have posted a picture of the feline online in the hopes of reuniting it with its owner.

Question of the Week

What is Monopoly Go?

Will be back in a few hours with They Said it Thursday while Watching the latest chapter of John Wick.

Love and laughter,




