Food Focus Friday – Fast Food, Fast Takes

I love fast food. I grew up on it and lived almost exclusively on it when I got my first apartment after college. I know; it’s bad for you. I am well aware, and I have made a pact with myself that I will only eat fast food once every month. I call it Fast Food Fifteenth as that is day I have designated.

I have also made a pact to try different options that were not available in the Northeast. Ironically, the three closest establishments are McDonald’s, Burger King, and Hardees. The first two are ubiquitous in CT, and Hardees, although it has some nostalgic draw, as it used to have a franchise in my hometown, is not good. This past Tuesday, I patronized Burger King, and immediately regretted it.

There are few new options in this part of South Carolina, but they do have Bojangles. Like Popeyes and KFC, Bojangles specializes in chicken, but I have yet to eat there, although their slogan, “It’s Bo Time,” is gold.

Crowd Participation

I am trying to use Mashed and my own reconnaissance to create a short checklist of virgin territory in my fast food bacchanal.

Shake Shack – Had it. Not great, but I did have it in the Charlotte Airport, so I am willing to give it another shot.

Steak and Shake – Never tried it. Also located in an airport

Jack in the Box, Carl’s Junior, and In and Out. – Don’t think they cross the Mississippi. Carl’s Junior also owns Hardee’s. No bonus points there.

Culver’s – Heard of it, but no clear opinion.

In my travels, I have tried Arby’s, Wendy’s, Dairy Queen, and several others that may or may not qualify as fast food.

Please list some of your favorites.

McDonald’s Still King
Subway still has more franchises, but I do not think the “Pro ferred” marketing campaign is going to save it. Furthermore, I do not count sub places as fast food regardless of how expedient they are in their sandwich creation.

McDonald’s seems the busiest and most prevalent down here, and it was the only option within driving distance when I lived in North Granby. I heard that you are never more than 2 hours away from a McDonald’s anywhere in the continental United States. If that is true, that is more scary than the Hamburglar and Grimace combined.

McDonald’s remains number one because of what I discussed yesterday – imagination and innovation. Burger King is losing restaurants in droves, and I feel their product is a bit tastier than that offered by McDonald’s. The key is marketing. McDonald’s is always one step ahead of their rivals or quick to shift if necessary. Wendy’s promoted fresh never frozen beef, and all of a sudden, the Quarter Pounder is now made fresh. Micky D’s started the Happy Meal, characters to sell their food, and created catchy, accessible names for their products.

Burger King markets the size of their food over the quality, and seems to always play copycat. McDonald’s has the Big Mac. Burger King, the Big King. Wonder where they got that moniker from? Let’s put apples in our kid’s meals. Let’s have novelty items that are only served sporadically to make them more desirable. I’ll see your Shamrock Shake and McRib, and raise you the Italian Chicken Sandwich and Spicy Chicken Fries. Burger King, where is your creativity, your original ideas. Just because you call your chicken sandwich, the Original Chicken sandwich doesn’t make it so. You even copied the face of the franchise Ronald McDonald, by creating the super creepy, super off-putting Burger King.

I have so much more to say, but many of my readers have told me to keep it shorter, so I will.

Tune in next week, when I discuss

  • McDonald’s Fries
  • Arby’s Having the Meats
  • The creation of my fast food super meal (or last meal for those into true crime)

Going Out, Shout Out

With a remake of Willy Wonka in the offering, my shout out goes to a pure candy store. There are two places in Myrtle Beach within close proximity to each other named The Sugar Kingdom. Now, I have not been into either of these spots, but it is clear they sell more than candy. That is not a bad thing, but there are several places in the area that sell all things sweet. For someone with no self-control, I would get dizzy, even before the sugar high.

Using that logic, my shout out this week is a place called Gretel’s Candy House in Surfside Beach. The shop is shaped like a gingerbread house, and has candy. Just candy. Lots and lots of candy.

Gretel’s has at least eight carousels of pick and mix candy that are arranged by type of candy. If you like dark chocolate, there is a carousel for you. If you like sour… You get the picture. They also have hard- to -find candy from minor shops like Mary Jane’s, Smoothies, and Goldenberg’s Original Peanut Chews.

I purchased milk chocolate almonds, mint chocolate chip malted milk balls and peanut brittle. Save some room for later, Augustus. The store has some stuffed toys and some other trinkets, but it is wall-to-wall candy.

The only downside is that the music is a little loud, but that may be a condition of trying to move the selections along, or the fact that I am too old to be loitering in a candy store.

P.S. There is an ice cream shop on the other side of the parking lot, only ten feet away.

Catch you tomorrow for Sports Shorts (busy Saturday, so it will be short)
and Sunday for Suggestions. I am scrapping the weekly summary. I will get the hang of this yet.

Love, laughter and indulgence,







One response to “Food Focus Friday – Fast Food, Fast Takes”

  1. Andrew Piskura Avatar
    Andrew Piskura

    That whopper jingle is still stuck in my head from BK