Bilbo Bloggins

  • Plug In or Check Out – Make School/Learning Relevant

    Boy, this lounge is musty. Sorry, folks the teacher’s lounge has been closed for renovations as I have been teaching by proxy (substituting) in various high schools, middle schools, and even intermediate (5th and 6th grade) schools. I do not accept elementary school assignments; a man has to know his limitations. Obviously, I am most…

  • You’ve Got A Friend in Me: Friendship in the Digital Age.

    Monday musings. Okay, Tuesday morning. Okay, Saturday morning. On my ride home from work, I saw a billboard paying tribute to Matthew Perry. The tagline was, “The One Where Our Hearts Break,” and it reminded me of his incredible talent but also got me thinking of my favorite moments from the show. Then, as my…

  • Too Much Tragedy and You Can’t Take it With You.

    Sunday, which means in the world of P., summary and suggestions. SUMMARY First, my week was nondescript. My blog discussed texture and some of my sports observations, but on the personal front, I worked a lot and rehearsed a lot. It was surprisingly comforting to get into some sort of routine, and I finally got…

  • Brothers in Arms, The Trading Post, and Playing for Clicks

    It has been a hot minute since I have had time on Saturday to discuss sports. With no social engagements, rehearsals or travel plans, I am on my couch watching BC play UConn (as well as the Dirty Harry marathon). Bad pick by BC quarterback and incredulous look from Jeff Hafley. 14-7, but I agree…

  • All About Texture – Food Focus Friday

    If it does not feel right, it will never taste right. In my youth, I was a fussy eater, but no longer. I will eat almost anything if it doesn’t eat me first. The one exception is if the food has an odd texture. Now, I cannot define the word “odd.” Maybe, it is my…

  • The World is a Stage-They Said It

    Today is Thursday, so sticking with my original plan, I will be discussing the words of others. Going forward, when I get a chance to write, which is becoming more cumbersome, I will choose my focus based on the day. Remember, I have ADD, so I need something to help me organize. “All the world’s…

  • Forever Faithful, Thanks Be to G*D

    Sorry, faithful readers, it has been a rough couple of weeks. Interesting that I use the word “faithful,” as that is the focus of today’s entry. My father passed two weeks ago, and his death and the ensuing aftermath has made me assess my own faith and the very nature of spirituality and religion. My…

  • Food Focus -It’s Bo Time!

    With at least five irons in the fire, I am forced to write whenever I get the chance, more so than the inspiration. Therefore, I will be writing what’s on my mind with some fidelity to my daily categories, but the entries may not coincide with the actual day. FATED If you have been reading…

  • The “State” of Education

    Yesterday, I completed my first subbing gig in South Carolina. I worked in a middle school (MS) containing 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Now, I am not here to denigrate this or any other school. I am also not going to put on my haughty CT education hat. What I would like to do is…

  • Monday Musings – American Airlines…Stay Away from Me

    Weekend away in CT to visit family, and attend my cousin’s wedding. A lovely affair that was almost tainted by the bumblings and fumblings of American Airlines. Strike One There are many ways to get from Connecticut to South Carolina. One can take flights from Bradley or Tweed. One can take Breeze, Avelos, and Spirit.…