Bilbo Bloggins

  • Why or Why Not? Fixing Education, Politics and Avoiding Motley Mishaps

    EDUCATED? Normally, I write about education on Tuesdays, but hey, digression sometimes leads to wisdom. Why did we not learn from the pandemic? Why do we not educate year-round? Why is education a right not a privilege? Teaching during Covid-19 was hard; I am not denying that, but it also gave us an opportunity to…

  • Monday Musings – Girls Gone Wild, and a Pretty Important Game

    STORY #1 “Hawk, Tua.” Thought I’d get your attention the same way it is being gripped by the recent TikTok phenomenon. Yes, a girl describing a particular technique has captured the attention of the masses and become fodder for the meme machine. Oh, there is a bird called a “hawk” and a player in the…

  • Why/Why Not: Yoga Pants and Walking with the Animals

    New segment here on Ps.Pov. I am usually a sucker for great titles, but here I am just cutting to the chase. As I also love alliteration, this is Wednesday’s Why and Why Not? WHY? YOGA PANTS Why is this even a thing? I used to joke that once someone decides to wear “their favorite…

  • Size Matters – Inflation, Necessity, and Sleight of Hand

    Lot on my mind and a little time on my hands, so I figured I would send something out into the ether. Big? Mac Swore off fast food for a hot minute, but was craving a Big Mac, so I got one. One advantage of being an adult and owning a car. No need to…

  • Happy New Year III- Reflections

    Lot on my mind, and not a lot of time to write, so I sit here on a lazy Sunday afternoon a couple of weeks since the ball dropped. I no longer make resolutions as they tend to be trite and frivolous, but I have made several changes and observed many paradoxes over the last…

  • Happy New Year – Part II – Should Old Acquaintances be Forgot

    Normally, on Wednesdays, I write about humorous events or impactful news stories, but I am a bit lost, today. Maybe, it’s the hangover from the holidays. Maybe, it’s the weather. Maybe, it’s just feeling lonely and adrift. I hate being maudlin, but even clowns feel down. I have often used my humor to romanticize or…

  • Happy New Year. Resolutions and Rants-Part I

    Hello, again. Sorry for the silence. In space, no one can hear you scream, and during the holidays, it was hard to sit down and write with all of the eating, drinking and making merry. I realize that the restrictive nature of my blog may prevent me, at times, from being prolific, so I am…

  • Pigging Out: My Love of Pork in All of its Forms

    Warning: This post will discuss the eating of meat. Disclaimer: I understand that I cannot argue taste. “I don’t dine on swine,” Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction). Samuel L. Jackson’s iconic character from Tarentino’s best, says this to John Travolta’s Vincent Vega further describing the pig as a “filthy animal.” Vega’s retort is, “Yeah, but bacon’s…

  • Gratitude – Pleasing, Simple and Free

    Too easy to use yesterday’s annual gathering as the occasion for writing this. My impetus actually comes from a sign I read on the door of a fellow teacher when I was subbing in an intermediate school. The sign read: Comparison is the Root of all Unhappiness. This struck me to the bone. There is…

  • Morning Drive, Sex Drive and Driven to Distraction

    Hi, everyone. Trying to get back in the swing and at least skim a stone across all of my daily subsets. Today is Wednesday, so it is time for some Hump Day Humor. Men are Dogs and… Walk Them I was driving to school this past week, and it was early. I mean, sun barely…