Category: Uncategorized

  • Why or Why Not? Fixing Education, Politics and Avoiding Motley Mishaps

    EDUCATED? Normally, I write about education on Tuesdays, but hey, digression sometimes leads to wisdom. Why did we not learn from the pandemic? Why do we not educate year-round? Why is education a right not a privilege? Teaching during Covid-19 was hard; I am not denying that, but it also gave us an opportunity to…

  • Monday Musings – Girls Gone Wild, and a Pretty Important Game

    STORY #1 “Hawk, Tua.” Thought I’d get your attention the same way it is being gripped by the recent TikTok phenomenon. Yes, a girl describing a particular technique has captured the attention of the masses and become fodder for the meme machine. Oh, there is a bird called a “hawk” and a player in the…

  • Why/Why Not: Yoga Pants and Walking with the Animals

    New segment here on Ps.Pov. I am usually a sucker for great titles, but here I am just cutting to the chase. As I also love alliteration, this is Wednesday’s Why and Why Not? WHY? YOGA PANTS Why is this even a thing? I used to joke that once someone decides to wear “their favorite…

  • Size Matters – Inflation, Necessity, and Sleight of Hand

    Lot on my mind and a little time on my hands, so I figured I would send something out into the ether. Big? Mac Swore off fast food for a hot minute, but was craving a Big Mac, so I got one. One advantage of being an adult and owning a car. No need to…

  • My Story

    I am not a digital native. I was still using a typewriter throughout college, so, please be patient. I have recently retired from teaching language arts after 27 years in the classroom. I have also recently moved from CT to the low country in South Carolina. These changes have offered me a new perspective on…