Category: They Said It

  • Gratitude – Pleasing, Simple and Free

    Too easy to use yesterday’s annual gathering as the occasion for writing this. My impetus actually comes from a sign I read on the door of a fellow teacher when I was subbing in an intermediate school. The sign read: Comparison is the Root of all Unhappiness. This struck me to the bone. There is…

  • The World is a Stage-They Said It

    Today is Thursday, so sticking with my original plan, I will be discussing the words of others. Going forward, when I get a chance to write, which is becoming more cumbersome, I will choose my focus based on the day. Remember, I have ADD, so I need something to help me organize. “All the world’s…

  • TSIT – Depressed and Disproportionate

    Today’s quotation comes from arguably our finest president Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He offered this gem as a way to combat the Great Depression. Now, I know we are not in the Great Depression, but we are in a period in our history where mental health issues are on the rise, especially among teenagers and young…

  • They Said it Thursday-Slow Down and Feel Groovy

    Back again for They Said it Thursday. Today’s quotation comes from the lyrics to Simon & Garfunkel’s The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy). Slow down, you move too fastYou got to make the morning lastJust kicking down the cobblestonesLooking for fun and feeling groovyBa da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy (from Lyricfind) I DON’T FEEL…

  • They Said it Thursday-Imagine There’s No Imagination

    “A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince Although I used to associate this quotation with Victor Hugo, it is one of my favorite sayings. I used to shorten and paraphrase it a bit…

  • They Said It Thursday -Sleeping Beauty

    First of all, I apologize for not posting yesterday, but I was under the weather. That is an interesting phrase, “under the weather.” The sun beats down on us, rain pours down, the fog rolls in not over, and we experience serious snow fall (presumably a fall occurs from above). Therefore, we are almost always…

  • Babysitter or Sage? They Said it Thursday: Carpe Diem

    Back again. I have already discussed the perceived disrespect from students and inadvertently from school administration. The last group is society as a whole. As stated before, teachers want more time, more pay, but mostly to feel like their job has value.During Covid, I passed many yard signs that said, “We (Heart) Teachers,” and it…