Category: Monday Musings

  • Happy New Year. Resolutions and Rants-Part I

    Hello, again. Sorry for the silence. In space, no one can hear you scream, and during the holidays, it was hard to sit down and write with all of the eating, drinking and making merry. I realize that the restrictive nature of my blog may prevent me, at times, from being prolific, so I am…

  • You’ve Got A Friend in Me: Friendship in the Digital Age.

    Monday musings. Okay, Tuesday morning. Okay, Saturday morning. On my ride home from work, I saw a billboard paying tribute to Matthew Perry. The tagline was, “The One Where Our Hearts Break,” and it reminded me of his incredible talent but also got me thinking of my favorite moments from the show. Then, as my…

  • Forever Faithful, Thanks Be to G*D

    Sorry, faithful readers, it has been a rough couple of weeks. Interesting that I use the word “faithful,” as that is the focus of today’s entry. My father passed two weeks ago, and his death and the ensuing aftermath has made me assess my own faith and the very nature of spirituality and religion. My…

  • Monday Musings – American Airlines…Stay Away from Me

    Weekend away in CT to visit family, and attend my cousin’s wedding. A lovely affair that was almost tainted by the bumblings and fumblings of American Airlines. Strike One There are many ways to get from Connecticut to South Carolina. One can take flights from Bradley or Tweed. One can take Breeze, Avelos, and Spirit.…

  • Monday Musings – Cats and Dogs Living Together

    In Ghostbusters, Bill Murray discusses a potential Armageddon, and he tells the mayor of New York City that, “cats and dogs will be living together.” This is a sign of the end of days as, in my experience, not only do cats and dogs not play well together, neither do Cat People and Dog People.…

  • Monday Musings- Pain in the Giant Neck and Nose

    I have a giant neck. I also have thick sausage fingers that hinder the pace of my typing. I need a keyboard with keys the size of shoe boxes to effectively type.I acquired these features from my father. The tiny butt and hair that grows out instead of down, I get from my mom. Bring…

  • Monday Musings – Sales Tactics, Tactless and Troubling

    If I am a day behind, it is because I am inundated with other pressing matters, or have to recharge my creative battery. I’m only a day behind, and I will be caught up today…hopefully. As you know, I was a bit dilatory due to the fact that I spent most of Saturday purchasing a…

  • Monday Musings – Squirrels, Originality and Fury Road

    Monday, and even though I live by the philosophy that the day is not determined by its name, today felt like the stereotypical Monday. A trip to the post office, and to Walmart, and some household chores. Pretty nondescript, but even in my brief time outside the condo, I am still feeling the stress and…

  • Monday Musings- Buckle Up: Observations of a Road Scholar

    Last week, I discussed adjusting to the heat in South Carolina, and today, I would like to discuss one of the other major adjustments, I have had to make. Ironically, it involves an activity that I have done more frequently in my life than any other save eating and sleeping. No. Get your mind out…

  • Monday Musings – Hot, Hot, Not So Hot

    How you feeling? Hot. Hot. Hot. Anyone who was listening in the 80’s or has ever been to a wedding knows this refrain from the Buster Poindexter song of the same name. Now, this reference brings several of my passions into play. Many of my formative years occurred in the 80’s (high school and most…