Category: Hump Day Happenings

  • Happy New Year – Part II – Should Old Acquaintances be Forgot

    Normally, on Wednesdays, I write about humorous events or impactful news stories, but I am a bit lost, today. Maybe, it’s the hangover from the holidays. Maybe, it’s the weather. Maybe, it’s just feeling lonely and adrift. I hate being maudlin, but even clowns feel down. I have often used my humor to romanticize or…

  • Morning Drive, Sex Drive and Driven to Distraction

    Hi, everyone. Trying to get back in the swing and at least skim a stone across all of my daily subsets. Today is Wednesday, so it is time for some Hump Day Humor. Men are Dogs and… Walk Them I was driving to school this past week, and it was early. I mean, sun barely…

  • HDH- Hurricanes and Worms

    Hello, faithful readers. IDALIA I was preparing for Hurricane Idalia and then awaiting its landfall in South Carolina. Even natives were a little wary as we sat in a local bar on Tuesday with some of the boat owners in the area. We stocked up on ice, Eileen foundour flashlights, we charged our phones, and…

  • Hump Day Humor – The Things We Do for Love

    Hello, P. Nuts. See what I did there. Once again, sorry for the silence. I had seven days from the day of hire to study for my life/health insurance exam and take the test. The test was yesterday (Friday for those not reading every day)… I passed. I am now eligible for a South Carolina…

  • Hump Day Happenings – Blind-Sided and Blessings

    Handling the hump day happenings a day late. At the beginning of my English courses, I provide every student with two Life Happens coupons. These are coupons that allow them to extend a deadline on a major assignment until the next class after the due date. My rationale is that I do not want to…

  • Hump Day Happenings – Rapi-No, and a Boy Named Subway

    Choice in Reading Hello, back at it. Here to finish my discussion on reading like real estate. Location is essential -a location for reading and a location that breaks up the routine and monotony of the day. This necessitates a rethinking of the standard school day in schedule and pedagogy, and even renovation of the…

  • Hump Day Happenings/R-E-S-P-O-N-S-E

    I hear you, Aretha. Sorry for the delay. For those of you who missed yesterday’s post, I was discussing the teacher shortage and how it all boils down to respect. I had expressed how I used to broach the subject with my students, and listed my tenets. Today, I want to continue my discussion further…