Category: Food Focus Friday

  • Pigging Out: My Love of Pork in All of its Forms

    Warning: This post will discuss the eating of meat. Disclaimer: I understand that I cannot argue taste. “I don’t dine on swine,” Jules Winnfield (Pulp Fiction). Samuel L. Jackson’s iconic character from Tarentino’s best, says this to John Travolta’s Vincent Vega further describing the pig as a “filthy animal.” Vega’s retort is, “Yeah, but bacon’s…

  • All About Texture – Food Focus Friday

    If it does not feel right, it will never taste right. In my youth, I was a fussy eater, but no longer. I will eat almost anything if it doesn’t eat me first. The one exception is if the food has an odd texture. Now, I cannot define the word “odd.” Maybe, it is my…

  • Food Focus -It’s Bo Time!

    With at least five irons in the fire, I am forced to write whenever I get the chance, more so than the inspiration. Therefore, I will be writing what’s on my mind with some fidelity to my daily categories, but the entries may not coincide with the actual day. FATED If you have been reading…

  • Food Follow-Up: Circle Up!

    Hello. This was my answer when I was asked to name a song title with the word “hell,” in it. Don’t think about the creepy video. Been entertaining company, so I am still behind, but it is the new era of Labor Day, so I am willing to do so work. Going Out Shout Out…

  • Food Focus Friday – A Chunka Cheese

    Seems to me that I always have plenty to write about in this category. I guess it is part and parcel to being semi-retired and living in an area rife with restaurants. I have posts about burgers and fast food breakfast choices on the docket, and I probably have another full post on last evening’s…

  • Food Focus Friday- Fries and Fast Food Super Meal

    Hello, food lovers. My third post for today. Catching up from a week of intense studying, but talking about food and especially fast food is in my DNA. I have already expressed my propensity for these culinary delights, necessitating a self-mandated once a month visitation. Today, I am going to create my fast food Super…

  • Food Focus Friday – Fast Food, Fast Takes

    I love fast food. I grew up on it and lived almost exclusively on it when I got my first apartment after college. I know; it’s bad for you. I am well aware, and I have made a pact with myself that I will only eat fast food once every month. I call it Fast…

  • Food Focus Friday – Mistakes Were Made

    Mistakes were made. This is one of my brother’s favorite phrases when expectations are not met, or when a well-conceived plan ends up going sideways. You can also apply it broadly to overall dissatisfaction to soften the harsh vicissitudes of life. I thought I had made a mistake by focusing solely on food topics during…

  • Food Focus Friday – Two Tonys and a Southern Temptress

    I have many interests including film, sports, reading, acting, but like most, I also have a keen interest in food. As a former abstemious wrestler (high school not WWE), I would often forego indulging for over a week. No longer. I am also the proud son of an Italian mother who loves to cook, and…